
Robotics Update November 20

Students were working on organizing and categorizing their robotics kits. Once they assemble and had their kits together they began building their robots. As they were building they were looking at the common palette tasks 1 -11 on Lego Mindstorms NXT. Once they were confident coding their robots they began working on driving their robot around a course. This course tests them on the common palette tasks.  Most students are currently at the stage where they are practicing this course.  The students who completed the course are now working on the common palette 12- 20.

Robotics Update October 22

Students have been busy organizing their NXT kits and making sure they have all the correct equipment. If they have completed that they are working on building a basic robot following the instructions in the NXT booklet. Students are then working through the common pallet activities 1-11 before they complete a driving challenge in order to model these skills.

Welcome to Robotics !

Welcome to Robotics 8!  Students are now finalized into their options and I am looking forward to the term! Please make sure students have brought home their course outlines, had them signed my parent/gardian and have returned them.  Students have started the term by looking at coding and creating a GOOGLE logo on a program called Scratch. This will be due Monday September. 8th. If they are finished they are working on an extension where they are Creating their own Flappy Bird game